Benefits Industry Company Website - Covalience

Benefits Industry Company Website

Trias Solutions serves the discount benefit industry. Working directly with discount benefit companies, vendors, marketers and consumers, they bring valuable expertise and industry knowledge to their client solutions. From easily accessing discount health and lifestyle benefits to quickly onboarding and launching customized marketing websites, they provide both suppliers and re-sellers with the most cost-effective software and practical answers to help all of their partners succeed.

Our Challenges

As a startup, the Trias team wanted to create a website that showed resellers how to access everything they needed to quickly go-to-market and sell discount benefits online: access to products, website templates for resellers to quickly set up their business, and marketing assistance. They wanted the website to be streamlined design-wise and easy to navigate.

Our Approach

We followed an Agile-based scrum methodology in which the project was divided into sprints of two weeks' duration. This enabled us to get early feedback and plan future sprints accordingly. Considering the target audience, the design team made sure that the website's experience stayed simple but still interesting.
Our Approach

UI & UX Design


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